Action Programme of the Federal Government

… (Ministry of Interior & Ministry of Labour and Social Affair ) on the 16 July 2008
Published on August 14, 2008

Labour migration’s contribution to securing the skilled labour base in Germany
Set of measures: The following immigration policy measures are to take effect on 1 January 2009 :

  • 1.Young foreigners whose deportation has been suspended, who have resided less than four years in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany and therefore do not have equal access to the labour market will receive facilitated access to education. This does not affect the individual’s status as a foreign national whose deportation has been suspended.

    Foreigners whose deportation has been suspended, who have integrated well into German society and have completed a vocational training programme or earned a university degree will receive a secure residence status (residence permit for the purpose of employment).

  • 2.University graduates whose degree is recognized in Germany, whose deportation has been suspended.

The first measure will be implemented by ministerial ordinance without the approval of the Bundesrat. The other two measures will be realized by amendments to the Residence Act. This will entail adding a residence permit for the purpose of employment to Part 4 “Residence for the purpose of economic activity” to enable the employment of qualified foreigners whose deportation has been suspended. The same exclusion criteria as those already provided for in the regulations governing old cases as set forth in Section 104a of the Residence Act shall fundamentally apply to qualified foreigners whose deportation has been suspended.

Which role should we play in order for this favourable condition to be implemented??

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