
Villa Azadi is offering internships to students, (post-)graduates but also to non-academics with experiences in the field of refugee work. The minimum period of time for an internship is two months, the maximum six. You will find specific offers for project- internships on our info site, but you can also apply independantly from these. To apply please fill in the form bellow. If you refer to one of our specific project-internship offers please include this into you motivation letter pointing out the project you chose.

Applicants have to be aware of the vulnerable position of the unaccompanied minors Villa Azadi is hosting and of the emotional and professional pressure they will confront during their internship. Thus, we are looking for people who consciously choose Villa Azadi for their internship and who are themselves able to confront the situation they will find. Unfortunately we cannot offer neither financial support nor housing so you will have to check for your own funding, i.e. through university ressources or Leonardo da Vinci programmes. Please apply at least two months before you want to start your internship. We expect our interns to read the following material before coming to us in order to have some information on the situation of refugees in Greece, unaccompanied minors and Villa Azadi in the forehand. Your application will be examined by the staff and you will receive an answer within two weeks.
UNHCR 2008: Unaccompanied Minors Asylum Seekers in Greece

Pro Asyl 2008: The truth may be bitter but it must be told

Kanellopoulos; Gregou 2005: Reception system, it’s capabilities and the social situation of asylum applicants in Greece

Pro Asyl 2008: The situation in Greece is out of contol

Greek Ombudsman for Human Rights 2008: Letter to the Ministry of Interior

Human Rights Watch 2008: Left to survive

Norwegian Helsinki Committee 2008: Greek asylum policy and the Dublin II Regulation

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