As refugees we need to work and manage our life than siting down for the whole month and having fourty euros which does’nt make sense.The auslanderbehode will give us a so called working permit and after giving us this permission with three sheet of papers to look for job we can then move round the whole state which we belong to look out for job but no one will respond to us because the so called form we have in our hands, they will reject us by saying no they dont have time to fill out the form and waited for six weeks before they said yes or no, but to be surprise enough they said after six weeks they will allow us to work but it a big black lie, they will first of all said no, you cant do this job we gave it to someone else which does not look for job, just siting down relaxing at home which they will refer to there citizens which is not true,we then have to make a call to the firmer that fill out the forms and said this is what they said then the firmer will say no they never give the job to another person which is a big pitty for us as refugees. We need to work so that we come out of the fourty euros and be able to live a better life as refugees.

We are pleading to the authorities to take this matter into serious consideration so that there will be no black jobs so that we can be able to contribute tax, that will help this country to be the first and the best in the world…….

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