Asylum System in Greece

Currently, the Greek asylum system does not guarantee effective access to the asylum procedure or a hearing for the applicant when lodging an asylum application. Due to their sheer number, many asylum applications are not registered at all by the authorities in charge.
As documented by PRO ASYL, asylum-seekers are detained in Greece without any legal basis after having been returned from Germany. In one of these cases the refugee is even threatened by deportation to the persecuting country.
After their release asylum-seekers are facing homelessness since Greece does not offer enough accommodation, not even close.They are left to face more terrible problems.hmm
Asylum seekers from Irak for example as at the year 2007 had a recognised Asylums seekers quota of 0 % which is really big problem.

auf deutsch lesen

ronja, August 12, 2008 at 2:38 pm

hi Dani, dein Blog ist großartig, i m very exidet about it, please go on like this, … ch hab grad über deine Woche gelesen, du hattest wohl auch ne stressige woche? Hoffe die nächste wird besser