
  • Action Programme of the Federal Government Labour migration’s contribution to securing the skilled labour base in Germany.
  • Asylum System in Greece Currently, the Greek asylum system does not guarantee effective access to the asylum procedure or a hearing for the applicant when lodging an asylum application. Due to their sheer number, many asylum applications are not registered at all by the authorities in charge.
  • Human Right Principle The treatment of asylum seekers and refused asylum seekers is not simply an immigration issue but also an human right issue.I think there should be some basic principle to be considered,

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Das Ausbildungsverbot und die Ungewissheit um meinen Aufenthalt haben mich zwar zermürbt; hinzu kommt die Angst vor der Abschiebung. Doch viele Menschen bestärken mich, weiterzumachen. Ich habe deshalb meine Hoffnung nicht aufgegeben - by Perle

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